Meet Betsy
Betsy Shor is a highly experienced and accomplished Functional Medicine Primary Care Provider with over a decade of experience working as a Physician Assistant in Family Medicine. She is also an esteemed Health Transformation and Behavior Change Coach who has helped hundreds of individuals, couples and families achieve their goals.
In Betsy's medical and coaching practice, she employs a unique combination of modalities: the latest advancements in the fields of functional and nutritional medicine, the science of behavior change, positive psychology, and coaching principles of mindset mastery. The synergy of these approaches enables Betsy to help her patients and clients create profound and lasting transformations in all areas of their lives. Betsy provides high-level action and solution-oriented care and coaching. Her background and training in psychology and behavioral neuroscience set the foundation on which she approaches all physical and mental health concerns.
Betsy understands the deep interconnectedness between our physical and mental health. She helps people address the underlying factors that contribute to both and develop personalized strategies to not just treat disease but create lasting wellness.
Betsy invests a tremendous amount of energy in her own health and hopes to infuse others with the same zest for self-care. She is the mother of two delightful girls, Mela and Jovie, and is married to her best friend, Ben, who is also her best coach. In her free time she enjoys running with her dog on the Charles River, hiking, and cycling (a passion which started at age 15 when she rode her bike 4000 miles across the US). Most notably, she really, really likes baklava.
Education and Training
Bachelors of Arts in Psychology and Behavioral Neuroscience, 2006, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa honoree
Masters of Physician Assistant Studies, 2012, Northeastern University, Boston, MA
Institute of Functional Medicine, completed all 6 functional medicine modules: Gastrointestinal, Environmental Health, Immune, Hormones, Cardiometabolic and Bioenergetic.
Contact Us
Phone: 617-798-4876
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